Export/Import Connection Details
SQLyog allows you to export/import your connection details. Exporting enables you to transfer connection details to other machines that you can later import into SQLyog. You can export/import connection from the Tools->Export/Import Connection Details
Export connection detail
To export connections go to Tools->Export/Import Connection Details->Export Connections. This will open a dialogue with connection details, where you can select the connections to be exported.
Import Connection Details
To import connections go to Tools->Export/Import Connection Details->Import Connections. Click Open File->select the file to be imported and click on import.
Note: In case of conflict in connection name, if the connection detail of importing connection with same name as that of existing connection, connection name of importing connection will be appended as _(n) where "n" is next available number.
Example: If a connection with the name "Production" is present in both existing and importing connection then importing connection will be imported with connection name "Production_(1)"