Version History - 2011

SQLyog 9.5 (December 2011)

  • Features

    -- All CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE GUI functionalities will now open in a non-modal tabbed interface. The new tab appears in the SQL area (alongside Query tabs etc.).
    -- HISTORY and INFO tabs will now also appear in the SQL Area. The rationale is that those are not related to a specific (set of) query(ies). We plan to move the DATA tab up there as well for same reason.
    -- When SQLyog opens, the SQL Area will now open the HISTORY tab, INFO tab, and a single QUERY tab. Other tabs belonging in this area can be opened on demand. HISTORY and INFO tab display are persisitent across session (ie. if one is closed when SQLyog closes down it will not diplay when SQLyog is opened next time – but may be opened by user, of course).
    -- Search is now possible in INFO tab/text mode and in HISTORY tab. CTRL+F will open the 'Find' dialog.
    -- Foreign Key lookup now works across databases.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- The BIT datataype was not supported properly in text-mode.
    -- On COMMUNITY if the SQL Area was increased to fill all vertical space, the divider could not be dragged back.
    -- In ‘Execute SQL-script’ it is now optional if the complete script should abort or not if an error was encountered. Before it always aborted. The fix does not apply to HTTP tunnel where we will still ‘abort on error’ always.
    -- Copying to clipboard could erroneously raise an ‘out of memory’ error. This was a miscalculation.
    -- ‘Import External Data’ GUI now supports SHIFT+CLICK selection of objects.
    -- The connection manager GUI’s of the SJA wizards did not handle SSL certicates properly (the main program window did not suffer from this).
    -- If an ENUM/SET column was returrned using an alias the drop-down combo in the RESULT GRID did not display.
    -- Underscores were not handled properly by Autocomplete.
    -- Syntax highlighting is now not used in INFO tab. It made sense for the CREATE statement only and was disturbing in other contexts.
    -- A default for a BIT datatype could not be specified properly. Now b'..' and x'..' notation may be used when specifying column defaults.
    -- Closing a query tab with multiple result sets could cause a memory peak and raise an out of memory error.
    -- When connected to pre-4.1 servers non-ASCII characters could garble.
    -- Duplicate table failed to copy spatial indexes.

SQLyog 9.33 (November 2011)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Fixed two regression bugs in Autocomplete introduced in 9.31: 1) A performance regression if the option to “Show suggestion as you type in SQL editor” was enabled. 2) Table alias support was broken. -- The Autocomplete popup windows opened by Ctrl+Enter and Ctrl+Space could ‘pop down’ where it should ‘pop up’ resulting in the content being partly invisible. This bug was introduced in 9.31.

SQLyog 9.32 (November 2011)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Typing using the numerical keypad typed nothing in the SQL editor. This bug was introduced in 9.31.
    -- With Japanese interface enabled some favorites items could fail to display.

SQLyog 9.31 (November 2011)

  • Features

    -- Improved the handling of (built-in and stored) functions and stored procedures in Autocomplete. This involves 1) A stored program is now handled also if a ‘fully qualified routine name’ is not used. 2) Introduced a Ctrl+Shift+Space keyboard shortcut that will display the parameter-list of a routine when the cursor in positioned inside it. 3) While writing a routine call the parameter list will highlight the current parameter. Also note that we have also reversed the behavior of Ctrl+Space and Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcuts for Autocomplete – this in order to comply with most IDE’s and advanced editors.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Schema Sync could generate an incorrect ALTER TABLE statement with an A TIMESTAMP .. ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP column on source. This bug was introduced in 8.4.
    -- On Wine the status line (at the button of the program window) did not display. This was introduced in 9.3.
    -- The Keyboard CTRL+SPACE did nothing on Wine. Now CTRL+SPACE and CTRL+ENTER behave identically on Windows and Wine.
    -- On Wine the autocomplete popup window painted with a frame hiding some details.
    -- When Japanese language was selected for the program interface ‘Copy Database/table’ returned an error. Also this was introduced in 9.3.

SQLyog 9.3 (October 2011)

  • Features

    -- This release adds a Japanese translation of the User Interface.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- The data display area in Data Search tab did not handle text mode.
    -- The Autocomplete popup windows did not allow 'rotation' from bottom to top (and vice versa) using arrow keys.
    -- A user variable using a keyword after "@" (like "@SELECT") would be handled like a keyword by syntax highlighting. Now it is not.

SQLyog 9.2 (July 2011)

  • Features

    -- The ‘Foreign Key lookup’ introduced in 9.0 is now also available in RESULT tab. With HTTP-tunnel this is not possible however.
    -- Added a calender control for managing DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP columns.
    -- Data Search enhancements: 1) Added an option to search on column level. 2) Added Google-style “+” and “-” operators meaning ‘exact match’ and ‘not matching’. ‘+’ and -’ may be combined with “double quotes” and the NULL keyword. 3) Added an option to use hexadecimal patterns for search using x’..’ notation (note that this feature requires MySQL 4.1 or higher). 4) Added a filtering option. You may select to search specific data types only and/or a subset of databases in a connection, a subset of tables in a database or a subset of columns in a table. 5) 'Data Searach' item was added to object (context) menus where it applies.
    -- Added an option to clone a connection in the connection manager.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- After query execution from editor messages from one connection were always sent to the topmost connection window even though the active connection was not the topmost.
    -- On Windows Vista and higher CSV-import of numerical data written in ‘scientific notation’ failed.
    -- Fixed a crash with ‘stored programs’ if the ‘stored program’ definition was loaded from a file with a long name (too long to display fully in the tabbed interface). This bug was introduced in 9.1.
    -- ALTER VIEW could fail to open the view definition in MySQL 5.1+ if an underlying table was ALTERed after creation. This is actually a server bug due to which SHOW CREATE TABLE failed. SQLyog now works around this bug by fetching the VIEW definition from information_schema if SHOW CREATE TABLE fails. One limitation of this is that the ALGORITHM clause will not necessarily be the exact one specified while creating the VIEW as Information_Schema has no record of the ALGORITHM clause.
    -- Execute SQL Script will now show data transfered in percentage rather than the size. Once the execution/import is succesfull it will show the total size.
    -- Removed extra whitespace in query when displayed in the message tab due to an error.
    -- The execution time displayed for a query is now formatted for better readability. Note that English decimal notation (".") is always used.
    -- Fixed a segmentation fault (crash) in the 'SQL Scheduler and reporting tool' of SJA for Linux.
    -- Form View discarded the column alias while displaying the result.
    -- Added *.ppk filter in SSH private key file open dialog.
    -- F1 opened wrong help page when pressed from Table Data/Result Tab.
    -- Fixed an issue were selecting the auto_increment option in 'Import External Data' wizard had no effect.

SQLyog 9.1 (June 2011)

  • Features

    -- Added an option to ‘Search Data’ in a database or a table. Just enter any string and click on search to find the string - using same logic as internet search engines. Also search using regular expressions for complex searches - and tables with all matches can be accessed – even for UPDATE – with a single click.
    -- Quite a lot of dialogs have been made resizable. This includes ‘Reorder Columns’, ‘Copy Table’, ‘Add Favorites’, ‘Organize Favorites’, ‘Export as SQL Dump’, ‘Export As (CSV/html/…)’, ‘Table Diagnostics’, 'Schedule jobs' and ‘Copy Database’. Those left that are not resizable now are either those where it would not make sense and some that will very soon be replaced with another interface.
    -- Redesigned the ‘advanced’ option in Import External Data tool.
    -- When using the option to define a display color for a connection the background color and the foreground color can now be defined independently.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- The ‘Job manager’ could fail to add jobs from the SJA wizards. This bug was introduced in 8.8.
    -- Import External Data could fail to display all columns of target table when importing from a source containing lesser columns than target.
    -- In TEXT mode the last row of data could fail to display if it contained a NULL value.
    -- Export (to various formats) could cause SQLyog to ‘hang’ with tables with 500+ columns.
    -- In ‘export as Excel XML’ it was possible to enter alphabetics for numerical parameters and the result of the export was unpredictable.
    -- In ‘Import External Data .. advanced’ the complete job would abort even if user had only specified an abort condition for a single table. Also when the table was not present in the target and abort option was selected only the table structure was created and no data were imported. These bugs were introduced in 9.0.
    -- In ‘edit’ menu the shortcut to ‘execute query’ was always displayed as F5 irrespective of user setting. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.
    -- The 'Format Current Query' option in tool bar has been replaced with 'Format Query'. Now If there is a selection it will format the selection, otherwise it will format the current query.

  • Miscellaneous

    -- When opening SQLyog will now display a Query tab and a Data Search tab (and no Query Builder or Schema Designer tab as before).

SQLyog 9.02 (April 2011)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- The option in 'preferences' to 'Keep focus on SQL editor after query execution' did not have any effect. This bug was introduced in 9.0.

SQLyog 9.01 (April 2011)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Introduction of the option to TRUNCATE TABLE in the ‘Import External Data Tool’ introduced a bug. If user selected DROP+ (RE)CREATE TABLE only structure would be created but data would not be imported.

SQLyog 9.0 (April 2011)

  • Features

    -- Added an option (in GRID and FORM view) to look up/search valid values for columns having Foreign Key CONSTRAINTS.
    -- In CSV-exports NULL-values can be written as a user-specified string. “\N’ is default for compliance with MySQL (SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA), but for use with other programs (such as spreadsheets) other options may be relevant.
    -- Added an option to automatically add ‘child’ tables to selected tables (before it was only possible to add ‘parent’ tables) in Schema Designer and Query builder.
    -- Added a “Change Background Color” option in Edit menu
    -- A foreground color for text display contrasting a defined background color is now automatically provided by SQLyog in Object Browser and Connection tab.
    -- The visual effects of tabs have been improved with continued scrolling support. There is a + icon next to the last tab which provides options to add new tabs.
    -- In ‘Import External Data’ there now is an option to TRUNCATE target tables. Before only DROP+CREATE was possible.
    -- In 'Import External Data' added an option to discard/clear column DEFAULTs. Some ODBC-sources use default specification that will not work with MySQL.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Data entered from the GUI to mange ENUM/SET types were not escaped properly what caused problems with the ” ‘ ” (single quote) and ” \ ” (backslash) character.
    -- Focus in Object Browser was lost when creating a Stored Procedure.
    -- There is now a button/link to open the log file in each dialog wherever it is referred.
    -- Fixed an issue where non-binary data were displayed as “(Binary/Image)”.
    -- Now TAB/SHIFT+TAB keys will rotate through buttons, check-boxes and tools in Result/Table Data tabs.
    -- Fixed a crash occurring when running Schema Sync and a Query Builder or Schema Designer TAB was active in the program main window.
    -- Fixed a truncation issue while importing binary data from PrimeBase server.
    -- When repeatedly stepping forward and backwards in SJA wizards most recent data entered by user could be lost and replaced with previous values.
    -- Deleting multiple rows af a table without a Primary Key could crash SQLyog. This bug was introduced in 8.8.
    -- Fixed a crash occurring when connecting on some Windows 7 systems with Service Pack 1 installed.
    -- While formatting multiple queries the SQL formatter now does not add a new line if a new line already exists between two queries. Formatting multiple times would insert new empty lines between queries for each cycle.
    -- A few more Query Formatter ‘refinements’.
    -- When closing a Query tab or a Query Builder Tab user was promted to save even if he/she had 'blanked' the content of the tab. Now it does not unless the tab was populated from a file. SQLyog will still prompt user to save in this case.
    -- A small GUI fix with the ENUM/SET dialog.
    -- After dropping a column from Object Browser context menu focus in Object browser would change randomly. Now focus will be retained on the parent COLUMNS folder.
    -- SQLyog could crash when attempting to delete rows from the table having a foreign key constraint. This bug was introduced in 8.82 due to improvements made in scrolling.
    -- SQLyog could crash while the table contents were being loaded in table data tab and the user tried altering the table at the same time.
    -- If server had timed out the connection SQLyog could fail to reconnect when opening a 'stored program' definition.

SQLyog 8.82 (February 2011)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Exporting could fail with the 'PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH" sql_mode (introduced in MySQL 5.1.20) set globally. This bug was introduced in 8.8. We now use the '' ('empty') sql_mode for the background thread where the export is running.

SQLyog 8.81 (February 2011)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Fixed a serious bug in User Management where assigning a new password to a user created a new user instead. This bug was introduced in 8.8.

SQLyog 8.8 (February 2011)

  • Features

    -- In Schema Sync and ‘copy database’ connections are now identified with their color code as defined in the connection manager.
    -- In ‘Import External Data’ import of Foreign Keys/relationships are now disabled as default when importing from Access and the interface has been clarified in this respect. The reason is that unless Access security settings are changed for the database it is not possible to import Foreign Keys/relationships and an error would occur if not security settings allowing for exposing relationships were defined.
    -- Implemented a tooltip on Query tabs (including Query Builder and Schema Designer tabs) displaying full path to file (if any).
    -- With HTTP-tunnel there is now an option to specify a MySQL socket file for connection to MySQL. Note that in that case MySQL ‘host’ and ‘port’ settings are ignored (if any). Due to this added functionality the tunneler file for HTTP-tunneling has been updated with this release.
    -- Hexadecimal and binary/base2 strings can now be entered for any datatype using ” x’..’ ” and ” b’..’ ” notation in GRIDs. SQLyog will now not ‘quote’ such values starting with “x’” and “b’” when performing DML operations from the GRIDs.
    -- Implemented support for the BIT datatype. In DATA and RESULT tab BIT’s will now display using ” b’..’ ” notation what in combination with the point above ensures that BIT data are updateable. Note that with HTTP-tunnel this is not functional in RESULT tab as PHP does not provide sufficient meta-information for a result set to decide column-widths.
    -- Drastically improved memory management in DATA and RESULT tabs. This allows for larger result sets in memory and improves scrolling. This also fixes a bug introduced in 8.7 where scrolling could render wrong values displayed in the GRID.
    -- Added an option in GUI to specify a sql_mode for the connection as well as for using the GLOBAL mode for the SESSION.
    -- Added CTRL+ALT+L keyboard shortcut for switching GRID and FORM mode.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- SQLyog will now never use TIMESTAMP(14) but only TIMESTAMP. TIMESTAMP(14) returns an error in MySQL 5.5.
    -- Fixed a truncation when importing data from ‘standalone’ Primebase server (note: not MySQL with PBXT storage engine. This never was a problem).
    -- When editing a very large ENUM-list SQLyog could crash.
    -- Schema Designer did not properly keep track of names of renamed tables.
    -- Fixed a truncation of display in Form View with specific character sequences.
    -- Right-clicking a JOIN line/symbol in Query Builder could fail to bring up the JOIN properties dialog.
    -- The SQLyog editor highlighted a keyword followed by a dot as a keyword instead of recognizing it as an identifier.
    -- While ‘rebuilding tags’ autocomplete did not return database objects.
    -- The option in ‘preferences’ to ‘generate queries using backticks’ did not have effect when double-clicking an identifier name into the editor. This is fixed and additionally now also autocomplete will ´backtick`objects if the preferences’ option is selected.
    -- Modified the SQLyog installer to prevent installing on an unsupported platform.
    -- Fixed a bug in automatic indentation introduced in 8.7. The cursor was not indented correctly following the previous line if indentation was more than one SPACE or TAB character.
    -- An orphaned PLINK instance could be left running when closing a SSH connection. It would typically happen with rather slow servers or connections and when connection was closed very shortly after it was establishedr.
    -- When formatting multiple SQL queries SQLyog removed empty lines between queries.
    -- There was no option not to save connection details when connecting with new connection details. The Connection Manager fix in 8.7 missed that point.
    -- In data sync wizard "all columns" option in the GUI drop down should be checked and displayed. But the "all columns" option was unchecked and it also truncated to "A".
    -- The 'Scheduler and Reporting' Tool (formerly 'Notification Services') was sending a blank email for successful execution of insert and update queries.
    -- When a Primary Key column contained negative values Data Sync could sometimes skip some rows.
    -- Immediately updating a newly inserted row could fail because of using wrong value in WHERE clause. This also affected rows inserted with 'duplicate row'.
    -- Lots of GUI fixes and lots of internal optimizations.

  • Miscellaneous

    -- ‘Notifications Services’ was renamed to ‘SQL Scheduler and Reporting Tool’