Version History - 2012

SQLyog 10.51 (December 2012)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Executing a SQL-statement with a comment inside could cause the Query Profiler to send an incorrect EXPLAIN statement - thus raising a syntax error. This bug was introduced in 10.5.
    -- Accessing Visual Data Compare could raise the error 'Could not connect to SJA' on systems/user accounts with limited access to write to installation folder. The reason is that Visual Data Compare attempted to create temporary files in installation folder. They are now created in user's 'User Profile'.
    -- If the 'Custom Filter' or 'Foreign Key Lookup' dialog was open SQLyog did not appear in the list displayed by Windows ALT+TAB dialog.
    -- With (only) a view/procedure/function/trigger selected in Object Browser the 'Backup database as SQL dump' dialog did not open. This bug has existed since version 6.5.
    -- Fixed an issue in SJA mails with HTML-encoding of "<" and ">" -characters where they were not used for specifying HTML tags.
    -- Specific operations by user in the GUI could cause 'Export As SQL Dump' to show database objects of another database than expected.

SQLyog 10.5 (December 2012)

  • Features

    -- New major feature: "Visual Data Compare" (in short 'VDC'). It is a third option for Data Sync in addition to the two already existing ('one-way synchronization' and 'two-way synchronization'). A VDC-job is started from a modified version of the Data Sync wizard (from the 'powertools' menu). With VDC you will be able to compare differences visually and specify tables and rows that shall be sync'ed as well as to decide in what direction to sync. A SQL preview is available. VDC is an ULTIMATE feature.
    -- Explain and Explain Extended for queries can now be executed from Query Editor context menu. Also this is an ULTIMATE feature.
    -- Query Profiler now supports Explain for Insert, Update and Delete statements if server supports. MySQL servers from 5.6.3 servers do.
    -- Copy DB and Backup as SQL Dump will now respect the defined Object Browser filter if any.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- A style issue caused e-mails sent by SJA not to display properly in some clients. A <style> tag was placed in header section which is generally truncated/omitted by most mail clients. HTML styles are now embedded internally in the body of the mail.
    -- It was possible to rename a table by clicking it twice in the Object Browser. This functionality has been removed as it too easily could cause a table to be renamed by mistake. Tables can still be renamed from menu/context menu and corresponding keyboard shortcut (F2).
    -- Fixed an issue where autocomplete failed to handle identifiers with an underscore character properly.
    -- The selection in object browser was reset to the 'container node' of current object when a filter was defined or cleared. This will only happen now when a filter is applied and the currently selected object becomes hidden due to the filter setting.
    -- Fixed a painting issue in the Schema Sync dialog.
    -- Fixed an issue where autocomplete would display the same option twice. It happened in some cases if the same identifier was in use on different levels of the schema (such as if a table had a column named identically to the table itself).
    -- In Table Diagnostics, table list was not getting updated after selection was cancelled from database combo box.

  • Miscellaneous

    -- Removed comments from query when it is shown in History Tab, Messages Tab and Query Profiler.

SQLyog 10.42 (December 2012)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Inserting a string literal identical to a supported 'smart keyword' from GRID/FORM view by enclosing it in backquotes (like `NULL`) did not remove the backquotes before insertion. This bug was introduced in 10.0 and the fix is backported from the current 10.5 development tree.
    -- When updating or deleting from the RESULT tab and if the tab displayed a JOIN of columns from multiple tables and if all columns of a composite Primary Key of one or more tables were not displayed a wrong DELETE or UPDATE query could be generated. Also this bug was introduced in 10.0.

SQLyog 10.41 (November 2012)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- SQL-exports did not 'quote' TIMESTAMP values. For that reason a dump with such data did not restore. This bug was introduced in 10.4.

SQLyog 10.4 (November 2012)

  • Features

    -- Added a filter in the Object Browser for hiding display of database objects here. More precisely: database objects, where the typed filter string is not a substring of the object identifier, will be hidden. When focus in on the connection node, the filter will act as a database filter. If focus is on a database, a table, a table folder or any sub-table object, it will be a table filter on current database. If the focus is on a stored program or stored program folder of any kind it will be a filter on that type of stored program in current database. The filter is specific for each database object (connection, tables of a database, or a type of stored programs of a database) and is persistent within a SQLyog session (but not persistent across sessions).
    -- NULL-values are now displayed with italics like (NULL). This eliminates any confusion with a literal value.
    -- Added ALT+F5 as a keyboard shortcut for refreshing a DATA tab.
    -- SQLyog will now "USE `mysql`;" when User Management is opened and reset the default database again when it is closed. Before using User Management on a replication master could break replication with specific binlogging settings. This is a workaround for what we consider a bug in MySQL.
    -- When 'rebuilding tags' in auto-complete we are now committing small transactions to SQLite. Before it was one big transaction. This ensures normal operations for indexed data while 'rebuilding tags'.
    -- Drastically improved auto-complete performance. This is actually the third time we do so, but recent additions to SQLite makes this possible again (technically autocomplete now uses SQLite 'WAL mode').
    -- Added support for the 'Windows authentication plugin' (available from MySQL 5.5.16).

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Fixed a 'commands out of sync' error when executing a stored procedure multiple times.
    -- Fixed a bug where the foreground/background color applied for Messages tab failed to paint properly.
    -- The 'SQL Scheduler and Reporting Tool' could fail to deliver server messages in mails sent.
    -- Creating views/sp's/function/triggers/events added statements twice to messages tab.
    -- The 'total time' displayed for a query would not always correctly calculate the sum of 'execution time' and 'transfer time'. This bug was introduced in 9.2.
    -- Improved Schema Sync performance if Foreign Keys were involved. We now execute fewer statements in such cases.
    -- A database name would not be completed by autocomplete if the database was listed in connection manager.
    -- Fixed some cases where autocomplete CTRL+Space/Enter incorrectly did not return a table/alias.
    -- Fixed some issues where autocomplete did not immediately return objects created - most important objects added by 'Import External Data' tool and 'Copy Database/Table to Other ..' would not display immediately. It was necessary to 'rebuild tag'. It is not now.
    -- Loading a Unicode file with BOMs (Byte Order Marks) into the editor could strip characters (3 characters with UTF8 - 2 characters with UCS2/UTF16) from the pasted content. A buffer length allocated did not consider BOMs properly.
    -- MESSAGES tab could display conflicting messages about warnings. This bug was introduced in 10.3.
    -- When copying from MESSAGES tab and pasting into SQLyog editor - or any editor or program - the pasted content could add garbage characters.
    -- 'Silent uninstall' was not working as expected.
    -- UPDATE statement generated by Data Sync did not use 'fully qualified table names' where as INSERT and DELETE statement did.

SQLyog 10.3 (September 2012)

  • Features

    -- The list of connections in Connection Manager can now be managed by typing directly in the 'dropdown'. What is typed acts as a 'prefix search' and first connection name starting with the prefix will be selected. This applies to both the Connection Manager of the main program as well as SJA wizards.
    -- Filter is implemented in the Schema Synchronization dialog for filtering tables and other objects. This is a 'exact match filter'. However SQL-wildcards ("_" and "%") may be used.
    -- Added a filter option to MESSAGES tab. You may show only queries returning a result set, queries not returning a result set, queries returning errors or queries returning warnings only as well as queries returning either warnings or errors. Also MESSAGES tab will now display the (first 128 characters of the) query.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- F6 shortcut did not open ALTER TABLE/DATABASE when the focus was outside the Object Browser.
    -- Adding '%' to the filter string in 'custom filter' was not handled properly and could result in wrong results. This was introduced in version 10.0.
    -- Updating an image stored in a BLOB field using the Blob Viewer could fail. Also this was introduced in 10.0.

  • Miscellaneous

    -- It is now default for new connections to use the GLOBAL sql_mode for the connection. But user may still specify whatever sql_mode he wants.

SQLyog 10.2 (July 2012)

  • Features

    -- Saved connections can now be exported and imported. The option is available in the 'tools' menu.
    -- Added an option to open exported CSV and Excel XML files directly with the program associated with the file extension on the system.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Exporting Schema Designer canvas as image on Wine generated empty boxes for tables with no information about columns. It is actually a bug in Wine (incomplete Windows API implementation for drawing routines).
    -- The height of GRID-cells will now adjust to fit font setting for the GRID.

SQLyog 10.12 (June 2012)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- With specific settings for GUI appearance (DATA tab in lower pane, ‘autorefresh DATA tab on focus’ enabled) switching from one connection to another and back would reset filter in the first connection. This was introduced in 10.11.
    -- Editing data from GRID and pressing arrow-up/down key could scroll the view a full page. Also this was introduced in 10.11.
    -- ‘Export table as .. SQL’ from RESULT tab generated invalid SQL if the tab was in ‘read-only’ state. This was introduced in 10.0. Also ‘Export table as .. SQL’ has now been disabled for multi-table result sets. This is an old issue, but exporting data from multiple tables to SQL never made sense.
    -- SQL Formatter would add whitespace around non-ASCII characters in identifiers and aliases.
    -- The rowcount displayed in status line is now a count of rows available in current DATA/RESULT tab. Before it was the number of rows fetched from MySQL with the last executed SELECT query for that tab and did not reflect INSERTS and DELETES executed later from GUI. Also when a filter is used, the display will show the rowcount after applying filter. It did not before in RESULT tab.
    -- Small GUI fixes.

SQLyog 10.11 (June 2012)

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Pressing the ESC key while cursor was positioned in an empty row of the GRID could cause a crash. Introduced in 10.1.
    -- ‘Hide optimal datatypes’ of a table in INFO tab/HTML view did nothing. Also this was introduced in 10.1.

SQLyog 10.1 (June 2012)

  • Features

    -- It is now optional whether DATA, INFO and HISTORY tabs shall display in ‘upper pane’ (as in 10.0) or in ‘lower pane’ (as before 10.0). The setting is available in tools .. preferences .. general. Note that for DATA tab this applies to the ‘non-sticky’/non-persistent DATA tab. A ‘sticky’/persistent DATA tab will always display in ‘upper pane’.
    -- DATA, INFO and HISTORY tabs appearance will now be persistent across sessions when configured to display in upper pane. If visible when program was closed they will open when program starts next time – if hidden when program was closed they will not. When configured to display in lower pane they will always be visible.
    -- The checkbox to ‘select all’ as added in DATA and RESULT tab in 10.0 is now implemented all over the program, including SJA wizards.
    -- The background color for the editor can now be defined by user. Same applies to Query Builder and Schema Designer canvas. Also settings for syntax highlighting in the editor can now be defined using a full color palette.
    -- Multi-column sort in DATA tab now uses CTRL+CLICK modifier when clicking the column header. A simple CLICK (with no CTRL) will discard previous sort setting (if any) and do a single-column sort.
    -- Added an option to copy selected text into clipboard with all whitespace (SPACE characters, TAB characters and linebreaks) replaced with a single SPACE character. The option is available from menu and the keyboard shortcut ALT+C .
    -- Sorting (single-column) of results is now possible in Data Search tab.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- With Windows classic theme enabled, switching SQLyog’s theme could replace the ‘minimize’ button with garbage text.
    -- ’Paste SQL statements’ could crash COMMUNITY. This bug was introduced in 10.0.
    -- Persistence of display mode (GRID, FORM, TEXT) will now only have effect after the tab has loaded with data. If user interrupts loading of data the current mode will not change.
    -- Since version 10.0 undefined data of an auto-increment column will display as “AUTO” and not “NULL”. But with specific table definitions “AUTO” could display for the wrong column.
    -- Editing second and higher table from a multi-table result set could fail due to incorrect SQL generated. Introduced in 10.0.
    -- In the Import External Data mapping columns dialog, using “Edit SQL” to view/edit the query could generate a query with an incorrect encoding of the statement. As a consequense the statement failed.
    -- If an existing connection (in connection manager) with unsaved changes is open “New Connection using Current Settings” would not take the current settings, but the settings saved for the connection instead.
    -- The query generated for INSERT from table data/result tab now include only values entered by the user. Columns that were not specified by user are not listed in the statement. UPDATE bahaved like this for a long time, but INSERT did not. This could result in an error when inserting to a table with NOT NULL column(s) with no DEFAULT defined.
    -- When SELECT was executed, Auto-paging in Result tab was always enabled even if the option “Enable Autopaging in Data/Result tab” was unchecked. This bug was introduced in 10.0 with the common LIMIT setting for DATA and RESULT tab.
    -- Updating and deleting from RESULT tab could fail if PK-column(s) were not included in result set. This bug was introduced in 10.0.
    -- In a 'fully qualified' object name (`database`.`table` etc.) there may be SPACE characters on both sides of the ".". SQLyog did not handle this and with autocomplete enabled a crash could occur as autocomplete was not able to identify object name(s) correctly.
    -- 'Export as Excel XML' could generate an empty file with no data. This bug was introduced in version 10.0.
    -- When inserting/updating the last column in a row in Data/Result tab, pressing tab from keyboard would point to the first coulmn of the next row but the scroll bar failed to bring the selected column into display. This bug was introduced in 10.0.

SQLyog 10.0 (May 2012)

  • Features

    -- The DATA tab is now moved to the upper pane. This completes the GUI redesign we started with version 9.5 (but we will continue after 10.0 release to provide optionality for this). A DATA tab will now open from table menu/context menu, keyboard shortcut F11 or from the “+” icon to the right of open query etc. tabs. Also if not the option to ‘paste object name to editor on double-click ‘ is selected in ‘preferences’ it will open on double-click on the table in Object Browser.
    -- Added an option to open a DATA tab in ‘sticky’/persistent mode. A DATA tab opened like this will remain open until closed manually by user. If a DATA tab is opened in ‘non-sticky’/non-persistent mode it will be replaced when opening another table in ‘non-sticky’/non-persistent mode.
    -- Redesigned the tool bar in DATA and RESULT tab including new icons.
    -- SQLyog now opens as default with a blue-colored interface. The old non-colored interface can be selected from preferences .. ‘others’ tab .. ‘theme’ (the 10.0 blue default theme is named ‘twilight’). Currently ‘themes’ to the main program dialog only and not popup dialogs. It is actually possible for user to modify a ‘theme’ or to create his own ‘theme’. Information about this will appear after GA release.
    -- Several improvements to Schema Sync performance: 1) Before an ALTER TABLE statement would be generated for every schema change. Now in most cases they are aggregated to a single ALTER TABLE statement. 2) Optimized queries and internal processing.
    -- The current row in DATA and RESULT grid can now be selected using Ctrl+SPACE.
    -- Added multi-column filter and sort option in Table data tab.
    -- Added a control for select all/deselect all rows in DATA and RESULT grid.
    -- Keyboard shortcuts added: 1) Ctrl+Alt+V will now rotate between GRID, TEXT and FORM display modes for DATA and RESULT tab. 2) ALT+Ins and ALT+Del shortcuts added in Table data/Result tab/Data search for Insert and Delete like already available in CREATE/ALTER TABLE.
    -- Selection of any display mode (GRID, FORM, TEXT) is now persistent in RESULT tab. The currently active mode will have effect when executing a new query.
    -- SQLyog installers are now digitally signed. When downloading with IE9 a false warning appeared due to lack of certificate and also UAC ('User Account Control' of Vista+ Windows) would warn that the program was from an 'unknown publisher'.
    -- When upgrading, the installer will now remember what shortcuts were created previously'.
    -- Table data will now read default limit values from preferences. Same default setting now applies to both DATA and RESULT tabs.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Using a WHERE clause in data sync could cause the wizard to terminate prematurely. This bug was introduced in 8.6x.
    -- Import external data could generate incorrect SQL when a Primary Key was present in source and PK-column(s) were not selected for import.
    -- Fixed a crash occuring when opening a file that was not a valid jobfile from a SJA wizard.
    -- SQLyog could crash when connected with HTTP tunnel and exporting to a fixed-length CSV-file.
    -- Quite a lot of GUI fixes.

  • Miscellaneous

    --The shortcut to 'execute all queries' has been changed from SHIFT+F9 to CTRL+F9 . This is changed because SHIFT+F9 on some keyboards (including most English keyboards) could easily be mistyped if user wanted to type a bracket ( "(" or ")" ).

SQLyog 9.63 (March 2012)

  • Features

    -- Added an option to specify the font used in the Object Browser.
    -- Schema Sync now has an option to add SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0 to the script generated.
    -- Added an option to specify INIT_COMMAND(s) for a connection. INIT_COMMAND(s) are executed when SQLyog connects and reconnects. The primary purpose is to override settings specified with ‘init_connect’ setting in server configuration for the SQLyog session. For instance if ‘init_connect’ server setting specifies “SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0" you may enter “SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1" in the SQLyog connection manager if you want a non-transactional behavior for the SQLyog session.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- If both a column default and a column comment was specified in CREATE/ALTER TABLE a SPACE-character was missing in the generated statement causing invalid syntax error. This bug was introduced in 9.5.
    -- Fixed a crash (reported internally) in the ‘Indexes’ tab of the CREATE/ALTER TABLE interface.
    -- Schema Sync did not handle BIT-column defaults properly. A redundant apostrophe caused the statement generated to be invalid.
    -- Also if Schema Sync operated on a table where only column-level comments differed on source and target an invalid statement would be generated.

SQLyog 9.62 (March 2012)

  • Features

    -- A Korean translation is now included.

  • Miscellaneous

    -- The localization tools have been updated. The compiler for building localizations is now up to 100 times faster than before. Also the XML has now been properly versioned.

SQLyog 9.61 (February 2012)

  • Features

    -- A Chinese (Simplified) translation is now included.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- When there was an INFO tab open the server was unnessarily queried for the content of the INFO tab (based on Object Browser selection) when closing the program. This could cause a slow shutdown.
    -- Fixed a crash occurring when pressing the ESC key in the CREATE/ALTER tab/dialog. This bug was introduced in 9.6.

SQLyog 9.6 (February 2012)

  • Features

    -- When performing CREATE/ALTER TABLE operation from inside the Schema Designer now a dialog with a tabbed interface similar to the CREATE/ALTER TABLE tab will open.
    -- It is now optional if Query Builder will create statements with ‘fully qualified tablenames’ or not.
    -- Implemented Alt+Ins, Alt+Del, Alt+Up and Alt+Down for inserting, deleting, moving up/down the rows in CREATE|ALTER TABLE interface when the focus is on respective grids. The tooltip for the toolbar buttons will now show this shortcuts.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- In Data Sync a low setting of ’max_allowed_packet’ on source server could result in CONCAT_WS() used for checksums’ calculation returning NULL. We did not consider this and as a consequence rows could fail to sync without warning. We will now abort the job with an error message (if user has selected to ‘abort on error’) or print an error to the sja.log file and the console (if user has selected not to ‘abort on error’ ) informing that some rows may have been skippped in such cases.
    -- The fix for empty string defaults in 9.51 was not complete. It was (unlike 9.5) possible to create such default but it did not display as '' after creation in ALTER TABLE.
    -- If multiple databases with same name existed only differing in lettercase SQLyog would generate certain statements using the ‘mostly lowercased’ database name. This bug was introduced in 9.5.
    -- Autocomplete runs in a separate connection, but also when Autocompelte was disabled this connection was created for no reason.
    -- SQLyog sometimes waited unnecessarily long (30 seconds - what is the client timeout setting we use internally) to report that SSH connection could not be established. This happened for instance if a wrong RSA passphrase was entered. In such and other cases there is no reason to wait for client timeout.
    -- Small fixes - mostly GUI fixes to the new CREATE/ALTER TABLE interface.

SQLyog 9.51 (January 2012)

  • Features

    -- The active database context is now highlighted in Object Browser using a bold font.

  • Bug Fixes

    -- Drop-downs in the DATA and RESULT tab grid (used by SET and ENUM columns) could ‘drop down’ where they should ‘drop up’ instead.
    -- Specifying empty string defaults for strings columns was broken in 9.5.
    -- Fixed a rare crash caused by an undocumented behavior from the Windows API resulting in division by zero. Crash is now avoided by adding an additional condition check.
    -- Fixed a painting issue in the Foreign Key tab in the new (from 9.5) tabbed interface for CREATE/ALTER TABLE that could render the interface here unusable on some systems.
    -- Other minor fixes with CREATE/ALTER tabbed interface.