Pasting SQL for Table

INSERT statement

With the menu item Table -> Paste SQL Statements -> INSERT INTO <tablename>..., SQLyog creates a template of a MySQL statement with INSERT clause for the table selected in the Object Browser. The feature is useful to manually insert data in a table: just type the values for the respective columns in the template.

UPDATE statement

With the menu item Table -> Paste SQL Statements -> UPDATE <tablename> SET..., SQLyog creates a template of a MySQL statement with UPDATE clause for the table selected in the Object Browser. The feature allows you to updates the datas in a table : just type the values for the respective columns in the template.

DELETE statement

With the menu item Table -> Paste SQL Statements -> DELETE FROM <tablename>..., SQLyog creates a template of a MySQL statement with DELETE clause for the table selected in the Object Browser. The feature allows you to delete datas in a table: just type the values for the respective columns in the template.

SELECT statement

With the menu item Table -> Paste SQL Statements -> Select <col-1> ... <col-n> FROM..., SQLyog creates a template of a MySQL statement with SELECT clause for the table selected in the Object Browser. The feature allows you to economize your efforts and avoid misprints in field names: all you have to do is only remove extra fields from the clause and introduce other changes to the query.